28 april, 2009

Am I Behroz?

Dear readers ur so funny, u make me laugh and making me urinate in my pants by guessing who I am.
But really what is in ur spliffs??????????
I have read that I might be Mofo but the lates was that HE/SHE/IT that is behind this computer can also be "I don´t eat pussy" aka mouse looking man aka Behroz from RMH( by tha way bitches he got a twin brother and I may be him???)

I ain´t denying tha fact that it might be true, but how stupied are u really ?
Can´t u judge by what u read on my blog ? If u not even able to guess if I got dick or if I have tits and got more then ONE hole down south?! ....Well keep on questing I guess...
Don´t get it twisted I like how u trying to figure out my identity so don´t stop, get it get it.....

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