11 april, 2009

Such a dickhole Kartellen

I have seen so many "swedish rappers and there group fall"
What happend to Latin Kings, ADL,Fattaru, Snook, Fjärde Världen, Advance Patrol, Looptroop and many more.
Well let me tell you nobody cares, I hope they all died and went to hell for what they did to music or at least went back to their day time jobs trynin to make dead end meat.
Am I getting harsh now?,

But keep it real guys, how good where they anyway, wack videos, wack lyrics and many wack thing.

But what is swedish Hip Hop anyway?
I looked it up, first I thought when I google:ed it up that I would find somewhere with a big sign Warning- do you really want to find out what swedish hip hop is?
You might vomit. What you will find out is on your on risk.
But to my disappointment I couldn´t see such a sign. Worth to sue Google?!

Anyway back to the point. I can honesly admit that the Hip Hop has improved, BUT very slowly, SLOWLY.

Cuz I mean we have a stupied groups like Kartellen, that just cracks me up when I see and hear them. They are ONE of many reason why I dislike the swedish hip hop.

I have never got a hang of them really, don´t know if they are serious with their wack music or just playing with my mind. I really hope they read my blog, cus I have many things to say to them. But I´m not sure if they even finished High school or even attended at english class at all. They are gangster u know!!!

This is what I found about this foolish guys in the newspapers: Kartellen är en hiphop-grupp som gör så kallad gangsta rap. Saken är den att bandet huvudsakligen består av kriminella.

OMG u may think some of u perhaps are shiting your pants by now

Medlemmar i Kartellen har dömts för värdetransportrån, vapeninnehav, till och med medhjälp till mord.

NOW u thinkin I will never look them in the eyes again, and lockin your doors.

På ett mycket provocerande sätt utmålade de ett samhälle som svikit dem, och de skyllde allting på politikernas oförmåga att göra något åt segregeringen.

Oh plese this wannabe Crips or Blood whatever, have to grow. Some of them are over 30 years old, to u they call "Greken" isn´time to pull up those baggy jeans and move to the suburbs with your family instead of sniffin snow and and saying that u are proud of doing six years in jail after getting caught on a robbery? U probably got ass pumped in the shower when u droped the soap by a guy named james.

Atleast Kartellen do a better video, spend some money(u will probably het some honey) on good clothes, nice shades, buy a spraytan once in a while.
What´s up with the bandana and the glasses looking like u took it from a gumbox.
For your own best Wiggas, listen to me, I aint your friend but please GET a life.
And what´s up with burnin the Ken ring´s picture, Do u guys have a beef with him
Cuz God knows I like ur silly beef´s in Sweden.

I have more to say to u guys...more to CUM, yum yum

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