11 april, 2009

In bed with MOFO

Oh, Lord
I have been waiting for this day that I would have the time to write about Mofo, Mofo the maverick.
U know what a maverick is don´t ya?
If u dont this is what wikipedika explains:
"A maverick is an unbranded range animal, especially a motherless calf. It can also mean a person who thinks independently, a lone dissenter, a non-conformist or rebel. Sometimes it means to swear to one."
His been writing much a stuff about people, now it is his turn to have somebody writing little bit about him, it will probably boost up his fame a little bit, cuz I mean he has a long way to go doesn´t he.
The word on the street is that he is now signed with Universel,so let me congratulate him for it. He is signed by a real label not a fake recordlabel like let´s say RMH,( I just got that from the top of my head).
The nosy me wonders if he is an artist or a business man?!
OR is he both?
There is no wrong with what he have done so people can notice him , and buy his( not so good )album and making what he says was the most expensive video which is so not true.
Rumour says (which he started himself), that he is a schitsofren.
But I mean should something like that shock me?
All the artist are, even does who aren´t an artist. Is Adam Tensta the same person when he is on stage and meeting fans that he is when he´s sitting by his white mom eating supper?

Is snoop dogg the same person we see on drop it like is hot video that he is when he spending time with his kids?
I don´t think so, so whatever this mofo says , he say cuz he a business man. Not the smartest move maybe but still he has a plan.

Even if u like it or not u probably know his name anyway, cuz u been hearing rumours that he once again started himself about a chubby guy that hates everyone and is brutal.
If u have no fame at all and u wanna be someone u have to make yourself heard. And that is what he have done I guess.

I think he smoked just little bit to much this mr famous, he has gotten himslef a manager that barely does jack shit. Just sittin on the name manager to sound cool:er.

Mofo does all his bookin by himself, and other things. Doesn´t sound like a man with lot of time on his hand. But NO if u ask him, his is very busy man... things to do 24/7, but mofo even the homless guy at your corner got things to do.
Back to the manager, he is a prettyboy I may say myself, I would if I could lick his balls while he licks my ass.
Back to my sweet and chubby cuppy boi that´s getting ready 4 the beach 2009.
Before all this wannabe fame and getting signed by a real label, he realeased his own cd by his own and flaunts almost every daim he owns on his blog, I ask myself a question -How in the hell does he afford thing that he has?!
But the nosy ass me heard that the most things he got and owns is from drugs money, he is a hard ass ladies and he likes lickin pussy 2.
Mother fucker gets UN point- or as he said in the radio mamma knullare

If u ever have the chance to ask him about it, I mean the part about the drug money not lickin pussy, he would say I qoute- What if it is true?
So he doesn´t deny the rumour. So little old me says it´s true.
And if u are the one that reads and is a devoted reader on his blog (about nonsens and diss) then u probaby read about he havin beefs....but to your disappointment let me give u the news that he has no beef with nobody, he just did it so peolpe could look at his not so shiney light 4 a moment, little pr trick there u know....HE even says it himself.

If u are a devoted reader on his blog page then the chances are slim to non that u have missed the funny "beef" he had with dj silence and his ugly youngster of a girlfriend. It was a time when she showed her pregnanty test and mogo hade to say something about it. Miss wanna be estelle got kinda of mad and wrote back and front on MOfos comments about that and it became a big deal . MR silence was surprisning enought living up to his name and keep the silence until he wrote some, some on his blog.

It was good that Mr I look like st patrick aka silence spoke up about it aleast. Cuz I started to think that he was the pussy I alway thought he was.
Silence and mofo do not speak until this day but miss I think I´m a model does.

Mofo is not a a fuck u would like to have justbecause he like eating pussy but Saman Sohrabi the iranen raise alone by his mother is a nice dude and even though he don´t have the looks but he sure have the heart.
So Saman leave Mofo behind if u wanna call me up and give me head. We both know u have my number.
And to u Mr Mofo´s manager u have to give me a call damn, boy..I would keep u up all night loooong

See u on the boat on the 2:nd

1 kommentar:

  1. I quote you ...

    If u have no fame at all and u wanna be someone u have to make yourself heard.

    Ha, ha, dont diss people doin stuff you self are doing. You want attention, you have it here, you will be a B or a C star sometime and yes then you can show your boobs in a magazine. Congratulation, loser.
