11 april, 2009

Fuckin the easter bunny

Yes it´s true!
The easterbunny told me to start this blog for y a´ll.
So let me introduce myself but before I do that let me tell you what this blog is good for.

It´s good for absolutely NOTHING, just like any other blogs but this blog is for me to spill out the dirt about the so called HIP HOP that we sadly have in Sweden. In other words bad music and sooo bad rappers that thinks they are in the hood.
So you will be reading about the wiggers "the niggers" and other people that just pissing me off.

You know the deal, if you like what you read keep on reading, if you don´t like what you read still keep on reading this shit.
So now we are at the point were I´m suppose to talk about me.
What can I say without saying to much?!
Hmm, well I like eating pussy too. And the dream pussy that I would like to eat up is no less then the Bitch Amber Rose, DAMN.

I´m your eyes and ears in the swedish hip hop culture, a better word for that would probably be something like a SNITCH.

I tell you how I see things as they are and the fakeness of it. One moment I sit and laught with the "in peeps" and seeing them makin a fool out of themselfs and before you know it I spread the world about this dumb asses.

Behind a famous swedish rapper is always a ugly bitch.


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