13 maj, 2009

Haters wanna be me hoes glad to see me

Thanx for all the emails bitches and dawgs!

Pussywood ain´t alone as it seems. I will publish a blog post on thursday and see how that turns out cuz the next blog post will be from a guest blogger but I haven´t still decided who will be the "lucky hater/lover" yet.

Until that, I just wanna share that I saw my twin circus neighbours again but this time at Berns when I was taking a nice glass of wine before two guys that doesn´t just look alike but also dresses a like came and sat at the table next to mine.
They were having a "meeting" with some dude about a next coming project...INTERESTING IF I MAY SAY!
Maybe they are planing a circus tour and I ain´t talking about the miss spears tour, A REAL one bitches and pimps, a real circus were there are performers that may include acrobats, clowns, trained animals, trapeze acts, hoopers, tightrope walkers, jugglers, unicyclists. And off cours every act have a main act, the creme de la cream if u may. My guess is that the main act will probably be the two identical creature that just happend to be half humans and half mices.

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